Monday, February 7, 2011

Hypocrisy vs Obligation in Professional Communication

The post has been styled in letter correspondance.

Agent Mitchelle cannot endanger her dignity and self-respect any further, on every good occasion her close and far relatives come among her, amusing themselves with line after line of ill-timed verbal and non verbal drudgery, on a range of fragile issues, their want of interpersonal finesse will come to offend. In this light, we look into agent Mitchelle's discomforts.

That was some scheme you have there; for why else do I feel so empathetic; after reading what you wrote, and I dare say the same for everybody else too, if it weren't personally, and willfully, designed for? How crafty was it of you, Michelle, to get us so quickly into a unanimous and agreeable mood, that I even thought your fault laid, in not prefacing us of it!

But this fault of yours, Michelle, was so unusually well-received, which will be your surprise, by me and perhaps others too; for setting in chain a most wondrous and serene feeling, that of which empathy, in all of us, call its kindred. I and we are most blessed to feel this way, in one with you; and we can subscribe to your affect most, consequently.

Yet, Michelle, even though I have given you noble praise concerning your emotional maturity; and your ability to prejudice us, similarly, into it; I urge you to reconsider a few of your sentiments, of which I so incline to call preconceived.

You mentioned, good Mitchelle, this: "Hence, I can understand why people would want to escape such hypocrisy during this season."

I, we, could thoroughly empathize with you, Mitchelle: but saying that yours, mine, or our relatives are engaged in hypocritical behavior should be the furthest thing from our minds. You are really saying your relatives are no better than a bunch of criminals, because only the latter are nearly as adept at deception as hypocrisy itself.

Hypocrisy is saying/doing/thinking one thing and doing a completely different saying/doing/thinking. For instance, Mitchelle, if your future husband told you he loves you in front of your face, but you overhear him saying the complete opposite to his friends another day; he has contradicted himself and have truely gotten into a situation with hypocrisy.

But consider the state of your relatives: could you call them hypocrites, unless they exhibited dialectical dispositions; such as hating you so strongly behind your back one time, but appearing a loving and caring manner in front of your presence? No, you couldn't Mitchelle, or would I be wrong in that? I cannot half-believe one's relative can have any hatred for one, because it goes against reasonable logic. And unless you so severely slighted one or all of your relatives, and they consequently displayed dialectical and contradictory responses in their interaction with you, you can hardly call them hypocrites? Wouldn’t that, now, make more sense?

Your relatives love you, Mitchelle, perhaps not as much as your parents, or your future husband, or God Himself; but they certainly know you as one of theirs, by virtue of their relationship with your parents. Hypocrisy is an impossible charge, Mitchelle. Obligation sounds like more appropriate.

Obligation is a duty, or role performed; one not out of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy says: it is my curse; obligation says: it is my duty; but the best of them all, Mitchelle, love (God's love especially) says: it is my utter pleasure, beloved.

Obligation is bounded by governing lore, laws, rules, of means of acting, and is at least taken up with less hostility and contradiction as hypocrisy. An obligated agent may control and put off his hostility better and more effectively, precisely because it is obligation! An obligated agent is given to and governed by moral ethics such as communitarianism or patriotism; and in such high morality, hypocrisy may not take root because it is totally inconsistent. An obligated agent, though he hates some thing or body, will nonetheless force himself to love that thing or body, PRECISELY BECAUSE IT IS OBLIGATION!!! And by obligation, he would HAVE TO HAD destroy and replace all hostile and contradictory feelings and thoughts with OBLIGATED AND APPROPRIATE, LOVE, REGARD, OR OTHER ONES, THAT ARE MAINSTREAM ENOUGH TO THE COMMUNITY OR TERRITORY IN WHICH HE LIVES!

Therefore Mitchelle, your relatives are rather obligated, not hypocrites. You should be thankful Mitchelle, that they continue to ask you such questions, because they serve as evidence of recognition of your existence in this world, if anything!

While I, we, can empathize with you, Mitchelle, I am never going to excuse myself for having any of such distasteful feelings, and you shouldnt too. And that is because we need to learn to change our perceptions, and therefore judgements on a supposedly negative situation! Why can’t, you or we, think: "Oh wow, I feel so pleasurable and blessed that my aunt and cousin asked so much similar things about me as past years'." Why must we be SO INCLINED to think NEGATIVE than positive, Mitchelle? Why, why, why? Why can’t we, Mitchelle, have more affinity with positive, and therefore only have positive judgement about things? Why must questions ask by your cousins and relatives be BAD, just because you heard them for years and so think you HAVE THE RIGHT TO feeling negatively affected? Can’t you see, Mitchelle that your being negatively affected are all an illusion? Why, Mitchelle, are we so able to perceive such innocent questions, or anything in fact, as BAD? Has our mind been so tainted by the evils of socialization, or should it not have already been resurrected by Christ's death on Calvary?

You see Mitchelle, it all boils down to our innermost psyches/minds/spirits/souls, which as I mentioned, is largely manipulated and framed by socialization, IN SINGAPORE! Our socialization, in the singaporean way/psyche/mind, is uniquely at fault, Mitchelle; because in England, Mitchelle, English relatives mingle and interact so assuredly and convicted of heart and their love, that their socialization in that aspect of their domestic far exceeds the one in Singapore. But of course English socialization has other evils; just as every socialization in every territory has theirs because they are all different. So Mitchelle, what I am asking you to do is two-pronged.

Get out of that Singaporean mindset you have when you are around relatives, family members and the like. I meant you get out of the negative aspect of the Singaporean socialization or agency and keep the positive one (if there is even any at all). The second is to get out of the negative Singaporean agency by becoming highly aware of how you perceive things, which right now is almost always negatively, and try from now on to find positive, or pleasure and joy, in every affair; social, marital, economical, domestic, professional, of your life! But of course you or I, cannot simply expect you to start desiring and having joy right away in visiting your relatives on festive occasions, nor to have positive only perceptions, and therefore judgements, about every single body or thing right away; because that is not humanly possible. That is why Mitchelle, you have a God to help you achieve that; and only he can empower you, and will do so, if you ALSO truly desire, by pray and petition.


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