Monday, April 11, 2011


The following responds to an article by the teacher on the state of conscript toughness in Singapore, and discussions of its journalism and beyond.

This is precisely what I don’t want to be embroiled in, teacher.

Journalism, and the media nowadays, are becoming a scourge of our time. Every once in a short while, they have to find perverse amusement in needless chastisement. It all started in 18th century Renaissance England, and even earlier; instead of finding more creative means of self-expression through journalism, those voyeurs got into the creative business of finding the richest, quickest and most shattering means of exposing bad behavior. Oh, I didn’t know Singapore’s journalism sank to such dreadful standards huh!? Of sex, betrayal, murder, deceit, gossip, God knows how many more.

Not to say journalism (as pertaining to every country in this world) is completely swallowed up in frivolity, but you have the aristocrats, bourgeoise, and the haggards, just as you would find in any order of society. The aristocrat raises your moral, intellectual strength, the bourgeoise is undecided for what values to support and promote, and is becoming more susceptible to the agency of the third as he becomes disillusioned with the material wealth of the aristocrats, who mostly are high-ranking government proxies; and as for the haggard, his columns dominate front pages of the Telegraph and New York Times everywhere, his graphics grip your carnal attention as good as those in ‘No Pants Day’, or better.

Martin Luther King had a dream that until all men’s laws were consistent with laws of a higher order, will we live in a just world: I, Mark, have a dream that until all subordinate classes of reporting uphold the fraternity of all humankind will we live in a proactive, non-zero-sum world.

Frankly, the teacher is asking the non-verbal obvious here, which netizens have already deemed as ‘soft’ and ‘weak’, making the military just as ‘soft’ and ‘weak’. How else is a small island-nation going to have any political, economic, social muscle, not to say military, if it doesn’t try to appear to have one. While that is warped logic, the fact is our world is obsessed with putting a face on every thing and body.


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