Thursday, April 14, 2011


This article hopes to make the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, or Harvard Business Review. Contact me with the email in the profile if you would like to express a deal or contract.

Address: Below are my final comments universal to every single local and international teacher and student in communication skills, originally intended for a groupmate Vanessa, and given in the comments section of her blogpost as well. For that, the post is styled in letter correspondance.


Hey Vanessa,

I would like to give you more specific feedback on your oral presentation right here!

Volume and Inflection

Volume is no issue with you! Variation of volume is! This is key to making your audiences attracted to you and your ideas, to their persuasion and finally their full marriage!!!

Loud, soft, loud, soft. When it comes to important points you want to emphasize, lower your volume, slow down your speed, and furrow your brow and strain your eyes!!! That's how expert presenters exude persuasion and grip your attention, because you are an emotional being and you will be star-strucked and affected by subtle variations of facial and voice appearances.

When it comes to not so important points, speak in a little louder volume and faster with a straight face.

Also, as I was teaching Greg and Ahmed the other day, it's not so much that the problem of your voice is soft and weak, because personally it's your inherent ADVANTAGE as a feminine, to make voicetones of a soprano nature, as compared to alto for men; instead it's the way in which you articulate and enunciate your words.


The best place to learn professional world class articulation and enunciation is from standup comedy acts by famous comedians. Though comedians are no presenters like those in the professional workplace, their ability to expressly enunciate and articulate words is first class!!! Youtube has many American and British comedy acts, so study them and then mimic. Dont't worry if you find male comedians too different, there are female ones as well.

In addition, when you learn to expressly articulate and enunciate, you will also naturally sound more ENERGETIC and POWERFUL. Don't ask me how it happens, it just is the case, look at Simon Sinek and the video I showed you and Greg the other day, look at the way their teeth show and their jawlines bounce about so violently----that is what I want for you and everyone else. Articulation and enunciation! With these comes POWER, ENERGY, STRENGTH, PERSUASION!!!

Of course you will need equally powerful and loaded gestures whenever it's required in your presentation, at important points you want to emphasize. Again, looking at the video I showed you and Greg the other day, try to show your fist to the audience when you want to make marriage with them, tilt your head and point your finger at some wall away from your audience when you want to make reference to a group of people or things, wink your eyes when you want to express some witty idea, nod your head up and down when you want to express agreement with what you say, shake your head left and right when you want to express otherwise, by all means show even your middle finger if the presentation environment, situation, topic, content calls for it.

I've seen countless presenters (not only comedians) make what would be considered rude gestures all in the name of showmanship, because these gestures precisely grip your EMOTIONAL senses so strongly by virtue of your every socialization.

Two things only ever make greater persuasion or more compelling presentation: articulation and gesture, NOTHING ELSE!

All persuasion, energy, confidence, eye contact, passion, creativity, power, strength, attraction, blown-away and even relaxation, comes from these 2 values only, supposing you have taken care of the content, organization and structure and all of its 7Cs, and you know your stuff at the tip of your fingers, tongue, and cranium!

Relaxation and Gut Power

A note about staying relax goes like this: channel your Self ---suicidal doubts and tendencies, stress, nervousness, fear, anxiety, tremble, into the POWER AND VARIANCE OF YOUR ARTICULATION AND GESTURE!!! If you have to 'lose it', lose to powerful articulation and gesture, not gut worm!  But you must WANT inside you to have this power and variance, because you want in your heart so absolutely to be heard, want to make a severe but positive change on your audience. In that way, you wouldn't lose your energy to excessive stress, anxiety or nerves, you would instead feel a useful and energy-efficient honor, sort of altruistic feeling, something that you are doing something for somebody else in need, not yourself and not selfish, and that is when you are most effective because you are energy-efficient, when you are so convicted of heart that your destinies are intertwined with that of others, and you couldn't just let them down, so you would convincingly, because FEARLESSLY, STRESSLESSLY, and therefore powerfully also, engage your audiences!

The group of people from whom you can learn fearless, relaxation, stressless is PASTORS!!! Yes pastors, you heard me right, or other religious teachers with similar tenacity.

If you've seen how really good pastors are, they have how much power, persuasion, energy, for their congregation and the Word of God, which is they display such strong conviction of purpose and exhortation for their Godly beliefs. That grave need to do something for their congregation (and for God), almost to rescue them, is that which makes persuasive, effective presenters, speakers. Pastors have great content, organization and structure too, they learnt all that in seminary! But of course it can be argued that pastors have that divine inspiration (or help from God) which made the persuasive and effective way they are. That's a touchy issue, and I won't go into that, but the main point was to learn from pastor's mien!

With all these carrots, you will sway your audience with the organic ease and natural of turn tides!

Take control of your audiences today, take (lose) control of your Self first!

Un amorito :}
Nuevo York, ahorita me aparezco!


  1. Thanks for all this Mark! I'll definitely take this advice and use it for future presentations. Although I am praying very hard that my job will not require this. =/

  2. Hey Vanessa, no problem, you are always welcome to my world!!

